At MedXpert, we want you to travel confidently this holiday season. In this article, we cover:
- How MedXpert’s health and safety checklist can help you prepare for a secure trip.
- Key steps to take before traveling, such as carrying your medical aid details.
- Tips for identifying nearby healthcare providers at your destination for added peace of mind.
- Practical advice to ensure a worry-free holiday so you can focus on enjoying your break.
Why a Holiday Medical Checklist is Essential
Holidays are great! Holidays that include travel are better, filled with opportunities to experience new people, food and adventures. However, the very act of travelling exposes you to some medical risks. Risks like dehydration, food poisoning and, of course, traffic accidents are all increased when you travel, but you shouldn’t let this put you off, instead take a leaf from the boy scouts’ motto “be prepared”. With that in mind here are some tips on what you can do before you leave to make sure you and your family have the best medical cover possible while travelling this festive season.
Keep Your Medical Aid Information Handy
An easy yet very essential thing to do is to always have a copy of your medical aid information with you. This should include the membership number, plan details, and emergency contacts for your medical aid. Supplying these particulars in case of a medical emergency makes it possible to get help faster.
It is also recommended that you store on your phone, or other secure cloud services, all the mentioned medical aid information in case any hard copies are lost or destroyed. What would be even more helpful is if you always carried other important medical information such as prescriptions, family doctor’s letters, your blood donor card and your medical jewelry (if applicable).

Know Your Designated Service Providers (DSPs) When traveling
Designated Service Providers (DSPs) are an integral component of medical aid plans. Your DSP network refers to the healthcare professionals that have been contracted by your scheme for the provision of medical services at lower costs. Identifying which DSPs are in the area you are traveling to can save you a lot of time, stress and unnecessary costs.
Medical aid schemes make provisions that encourage and often require members to make use of DSPs for full cover, whereby if a member visits a non-designated service provider, the member is liable to pay part, or all of the costs incurred for the visit. Prior to any trips, it is recommended to check with your medical aid provider about what hospitals, clinics, and doctors at your destination will be considered as DSPs. This is particularly crucial if your plan is one that requires you to appoint a GP.
If you are within the borders of South Africa, find out if there are specific provisions on your medical aid that allow you to use out of network GP services or whether there is a special cover for emergencies when non-DSPs are visited.
Common Summer Health Concerns and Prevention Tips
Summer in South Africa is known for fun in the sun and the sea, and in most cases, outdoor events. Nonetheless, the hot season also carries several health risks which you should be ready to face, especially if you will be staying outdoors for long periods of time. In the summer months, it is easy to come across heat-induced challenges such as heat stroke and dehydration. Please remember to drink plenty of fluids, avoid direct sunlight when possible, and use sun lotion, as well as protective clothing like hats.
Another major threat is sunburn. The Sun’s rays in South Africa can be extremely harsh, therefore it is important to use a high SPF sunscreen and reapply it, especially after you’ve been sweating or swimming. Additionally, a wide-brimmed hat, as well as sunglasses, may keep the skin and eyes safe from UV rays.
Lastly, ensure that you have and carry a basic first-aid kit with items such as antiseptic cream, antihistamines, bandages and an after-sun lotion. Having a good travel medical kit can be very helpful during your trip, particularly if you are visiting a remote place or plan to engage in outdoor activities. This type of kit will allow you to treat minor injuries or other health concerns which may arise during your holiday.
Snake Safety: What You Need to Know During the Holidays
Because of the warm climate in South Africa, snakes are more prevalent and active during the summertime, especially in rural and outdoor spaces. Although snakes are not very commonly found in cities, it is always good to know some snake safety tips if you intend to spend time outdoors.
When walking in tall grass, amongst rocks and at the edges of water bodies, be careful and keep a look out as snakes tend to hide in these places. Closed shoes and long pants may also serve as an added layer of defense in these areas. If, however, you happen to experience a snake bite, remain calm and try to determine the kind of snake that has bitten you. You can take a picture with your phone, or have the person with you try to take the picture so that the doctor can identify what kind of snake it was and give the appropriate anti-venom. Time is crucial when it comes to snake bites, so do not waste any time treating the bite yourself and get medical assistance as soon as possible. It is advised to call for an ambulance immediately as certain venoms begin to take effect just half an hour post-bite.
It is also essential to learn the appropriate first-aid measures in such cases which usually include immobilising the limb where the bite was sustained and restricting the patient from unnecessary movements to reduce dissemination of the venom. Most importantly, do not assume that anti-venom is available in all hospitals, check in advance which hospitals in your area are equipped with anti-venoms. It might be a matter of life and death during such times when every second counts to ensure that you are attended to by personnel with formal training.

Preparing for International Travel: Medical Aid Top-Ups and Cover
When it comes to your health, you should be cautious and plan ahead of time whenever you wish to travel abroad. While many South African medical aid schemes have some form of international cover; the cover is usually limited to emergency assistance only. In the circumstance of an international holiday, it is essential to turn on any travel benefits your scheme offers, which in most cases is done some weeks before travel.
Talk to MedXpert to verify the details of what your international cover entails and whether there are any conditions associated with the use of these benefits. Some schemes do, especially for those over sixty years of age, need proof of travel and a health assessment which is aimed at determining your fitness for travel as well as the chances of a claim coming through whilst you are overseas.
If you really want to go the extra mile, you can also investigate getting a travel insurance policy that adds onto your medical aid cover. Such expenses include lost items, cancellation of the trip, and seeking medical attention that is not urgent, which are not normally catered for by most medical aids. This is especially useful in circumstances where the destination country has expensive medical services to reduce the risk of exorbitant medical-related expenses. You can also consider certain gap cover options that include international travel benefits.
Final Checklist: Ensuring You’re Health-Ready for the Holidays
With the festive season fast approaching, you may want to consider going through a travel checklist just to be sure that you are prepared to leave. Check your travel medical insurance again to make sure that it is valid for the country you are visiting, and any additional action that needs to be taken. Ensure you carry a hard copy as well as soft copy of your medical aid information and know the DSPs in your area of travel.
Also, remember to carry a travel medical kit and to take measures to avoid the risks of summer illnesses such as dehydration, sun burn, or even food poisoning. Additionally, keep in mind the risks associated with snakes and other wildlife while on nature walks. And finally, you can call MedXpert if you need help understanding your medical aid plan or its cover. With the right preparation, you will be ready to take your holiday with peace of mind.
Stay safe while traveling and have fun during the holiday season.
MedXpert, the medical experts on your side.