Empowering Women’s Health in South Africa

At MedXpert, we celebrate the incredible strength, resilience, and beauty of women everywhere. In this blog post, we explore:

  • How MedXpert can support you on your healthcare journey and empower you to take proactive steps towards your health and longevity.

  • Valuable preventative screening benefits for women that can prevent or lead to early treatment of cervical cancer, breast cancer, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, HIV and Cholesterol.

In the spirit of Women’s Month, we celebrate the incredible strength, resilience, and beauty of women everywhere. But let’s not limit the celebration to just one month—let’s extend it throughout the year and beyond. At MedXpert, we are here to support you on your healthcare journey, empowering you to take proactive steps towards your health and longevity. In this blog post, we will explore the valuable preventative screening benefits available to women through registered medical schemes in South Africa. Let us embark on this journey together and ensure you reach your healthcare goals beyond Women’s Month.

Embracing a Healthier Future

Your health is your most precious asset, and taking proactive measures is essential for your well-being. Regardless of your current situation or life stage, medical schemes in South Africa offer valuable additional preventative benefits for women.

These benefits are designed to detect potential health issues early on, allowing for timely intervention and better treatment outcomes. By prioritising preventative screenings, you demonstrate a commitment to your long-term health and longevity.

Some of the more common health issues that can be prevented or caught early through screening tests include:
  • Cervical cancer: Pap smears or HPV tests can detect precancerous changes or human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, allowing for early intervention and prevention of cervical cancer.
  • Breast cancer: Mammograms can detect breast cancer at an early stage, improving the chances of successful treatment and reducing mortality rates.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure): Blood pressure checks can help identify hypertension early, allowing for lifestyle changes and medication if necessary to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Diabetes: Blood tests can detect diabetes or prediabetes early, enabling early management and lifestyle modifications to prevent complications.
  • Osteoporosis: Bone density scans can identify reduced bone mass and the risk of fractures, enabling early interventions to prevent osteoporosis-related complications.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): HIV testing helps detect the virus early, enabling access to antiretroviral therapy and reducing the risk of progression to AIDS.
  • Cholesterol Testing: Cholesterol tests can identify abnormal cholesterol levels, which, if left untreated, can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

It’s important to understand which of these tests are included in your medical scheme’s preventative benefits, at what age you should be prioritising them, and how often you should be doing them.

Navigating Medical Aid for Women’s Health

Maximising Your Medical Aid Benefits

Take advantage of your plan’s built-in treatment aids, care programmes, and supplementary benefits, like preventative care benefits. This often includes routine screenings and check-ups. By using these services, you can prevent the beginnings of more serious ailments and maintain your health.

Additionally, investigate complementary options like gap cover, which can fill financial gaps not covered by your primary medical aid. This is especially useful for high-cost specialist treatments that occur in-hospital.

You can reach out to MedXpert to stay updated on any changes to your medical scheme plan or benefits, ensuring that you continue to maximise your benefits effectively.

Unleash Your Potential by Staying Healthy

As a woman, you wear many hats and juggle numerous responsibilities. It’s therefore crucial to prioritise self-care and nurture your own well-being.

By taking advantage of the preventative screening benefits offered by your medical scheme, you are proactively investing in your health and ensuring that you can continue to fulfil your various roles with vitality and strength.

MedXpert is here to help you navigate the specific benefits your medical scheme offers which typically include blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, mammograms, cancer screening and pap smears.

Most medical schemes also have a generous maternity programme for those planning to start a family. Accessing these additional benefits protect your medical savings account which is better reserved for day-to-day medical expenses.

Key Considerations for Medical Aid

When choosing a medical aid plan tailored to women’s health, several factors require careful consideration.

First, evaluate the scope of your current maternity benefits. It’s important to review the finer details of your scheme, particularly the waiting periods. If you are already pregnant when joining a medical scheme, a 12-month waiting period will apply before you can receive maternity benefits. However, your baby will be covered immediately if registered with the scheme within 30 to 90 days (this depends on your scheme). The only exception to this waiting period is if you fall pregnant while already on a medical aid or medical insurance plan.

If you are considering pregnancy, find out to what extent your medical aid covers prenatal and postnatal treatment. Furthermore, consider the range of benefits offered by your maternity programme, like regular check-ups, birthing options, and other services.

Finally, understanding the financial details, including co-payments and benefit caps, will help you stay prepared financially and make sure your medical aid plan matches your budget and medical needs.

Breast cancer awareness month

Understanding Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer is still the most common cancer among women in South Africa making early identification essential.

It’s key to know what breast cancer screening is covered by your medical aid plan to ensure that you have the preventative treatment available to you. Regular mammograms are important for early detection – and are provided by many medical aid plans as part of their benefits. When evaluating plans, confirm whether mammograms are included, and the frequency allowed (whether annually or biennially). Additionally, some plans may provide full or partial cover.

Specialist consultations are another critical aspect. If a woman suspects cancer and gets worrying results on her mammogram, she can schedule an appointment with an oncologist, who can then diagnose her. This initial consultation will come from your “specialist visit” benefit portion. Once you’ve disclosed your diagnosis with your medical scheme, you will be registered on the plan’s oncology programme, which is built with a variety of benefits that are designed to help treat your condition.

Comprehensive plans should also cover surgical and hospital costs under their oncology programmes, in the event of a diagnosis. By understanding these aspects, you can select a medical aid plan that supports your health needs effectively.

Join the Movement

Women’s Month serves as a reminder of the power and potential you hold as an individual and as a collective. MedXpert invites you to take charge of your healthcare. We are here to provide the expertise, support, and guidance you need to make informed decisions and achieve your healthcare goals.

Your Trusted Healthcare Partner

At MedXpert, we are dedicated to being your trusted healthcare partner every step of the way. We offer a range of services tailored to meet your needs.

Whether you are just reading this blog or opting in to benefit from the free resources on our website, our goal remains the same—to empower you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.


Beyond Women’s Month, let us continue to prioritise health and well-being. When you need help and guidance with your medical scheme and benefits, think MedXpert – we are your dedicated partner. Ensure that your health journey extends far beyond Women’s Month – make it a lifelong commitment to yourself. MedXpert will support you every step of the way. Visit our website and see how we can help you.

Find out more about your preventative care benefits Here

Alternatively, you can call us on 0860 860 860 or email ask@MedXpert.co.za